Drawing all who are thirsty to the Living Water, Jesus Christ.


Why Reach?

God’s vision for His people has always been to use those who know Him to reach those who don’t. Because those who have experienced God personally are the best equipped to reach out and help those who haven’t. For this reason, at the Fountain we believe God is calling us to reach into our community, our culture, and even within our church family in order to share the love of Jesus like never before.

Over the next 3 years we will do this together through a strategic plan called REACH in order to reach farther, deeper, and younger.


Reach Farther

When Jesus changes our lives we have a powerful story to tell. It’s a story about who we were, how we met Him, and the difference He has made. It’s also a story we need to share if we want people to know Jesus like we do. Sharing this Good News with others is called Evangelism. Over the next 3 years we will learn how to do this together.

We want every believer at the Fountain to reach farther by befriending someone who needs Jesus and sharing the Gospel with them both in word and deed.


Reach Deeper

As we invite people to follow Jesus we must also teach them how to do so. Following Jesus requires us to grow in faith and share what we have learned. This process of training and equipping believers is called Discipleship. Over the next 3 years we are going to learn how to reach deeper and disciple others within our church family.

We want every believer at the Fountain to engage in the process of discipleship and to reach deeper by knowing how to take their next step of surrender.


Reach Younger

Young people are the future of the Church. So when we invest in them we help to ensure that the Church will be healthy for many years to come. Over the next 3 years we will invest in our young people in a very specific manner so that they may accomplish more for Jesus than we could ever imagine.

We want every believer at the Fountain to reach younger by investing in 3 students and for every student to know 3 people who are investing in them.


Just Imagine

What could God do in our lives if we were to reach like never before for Him?

What could God do in your life if you were to reach farther, deeper, and younger?

Join us over the next 3 years as together we REACH people for Jesus like never before.

“I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation shall reach to the end of the earth.”

Isaiah 49:6 (ESV)

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