2025 Special Wish List Fund

The Fountain has a wishlist of items for ministry that does not always fit into our operational budget. If you are interested in donating toward the Fountain's wishlist to help obtain tools for ministry, read below to learn more. These items have been identified by Ministry Leaders and have been approved by our Elders. You may donate between now and December 31st, 2025. Copies of the wishlist and designated giving form can be picked up at Connection Point.

Special Ministry Needs 2025:

Many times, people of the Fountain have asked, “What does the church need?” A special wish list has been developed and will be updated over time.  This allows those who wish to give free will offerings to help the Fountain obtain a list of pre-approved items that are needed. 

Improving the Fountain through special gifts is an amazing way of growing in holiness and building our church and its ministries.  We would never want you to replace your regular, ongoing tithing with these wish list items but we welcome your generosity.  In order to donate to this special wish list fund, please sign, date and return the designated giving form shown below, along with your donation, and place in a tithing box (click here to download or pick up a copy from Connection Point). It may also be mailed to the church, attention Finance Team, at P.O. Box 87, Fountaintown, IN  46130.

Please note: costs listed below are estimates; actual costs may be more or less than the amount listed.